News: RAFA Baton Poem by Anonymous

The person who wrote this excellent poem wishes to remain anonymous...


The Royal Air Forces Association Millennium Link.

I'll tell you a story of cadets - an' it's true,

from up here i' Wharfedale, t' Twelve-Twenty-Four crew.

T' Millenium Link were off on it's way,

but our pal at t' branch, he fell sick t'other day.

So all t' lads an' lasses an' t' Warrant Officer too,

decided right there what they'd 'ave to do.

They'd pick up t' baton an pass it along,

by as many means possible- an' however long.

So they marched it an' ran it,- by bike an' by bin,

it travelled t'route, along wi' a tin!

T' roller bladers carried it many miles more,

an' on t'kiddies scooters it continued it's tour.

On horseback, by dog an' wheelbarra'  too,

no effort to large to get the Link through.

Through Ilkley by unicycle travelled the token,

for miles an' for hours yet the team wasn't broken.

At Morrison's foodstore at Guiseley-a break,

the Warrant the token to Leeds Infirm'ry would take.

Our pal he must sign it, he'd truly be proud --

when all of a sudden from a voice in t' crowd -

"Cliff's just got back home dear, I thought you should know."

So a quick change of plan - they know where to go.

Out with t' caps, an' t' drums an'  t' slings,

an' t' other accoutrements - musical things.

So dressed in their best wi' t' Banner an' t'band,

Wi' t' WO leading - of course they looked grand,

t' Squadron marched off into t'evening rain,

no matter, whatever - their duty was plain

So what, - if their music was so slightly faulted,

for soon outside Cliff's house they eventually halted.

The pride on their faces reflected in his,

was the only reward they'd wanted for this.

With those lasses an' lads - his friends - all around

He signed the Link record, that Volume well bound.

Then with tears in his eyes, his wife on his arm,

he bade them goodbye, "Don't come to no harm"

So with pride in their hearts they marched on their way,

their duty was still to be finished that day.

Now with daylight fading they had to put speed on.

The token was now due at eight, up in Yeadon.

Then as t' sun slowly slipped behind watery clouds,

young Paterson played "Sunset" to  t'assembled crowds,

An t' Warrant Officer finally handed over t' token,

they'd done it- t' team spirit enhanced, never broken.